Only winners of BML Munjal Awards in the past years are eligible for this category. A different methodology will be adopted for this exclusive category leading to winners entering Hall of Fame.
Privately held companies in emerging sectors like e-commerce/m-commerce & other emerging fields and have been in operation for at least 3 year and not more than 7 years as on March 31, 2023 can apply under Emerging Stars

- No participation fee
- Application Form
- Awards Process

Invitations are sent to organizations that have consistently figured in top industry rankings of reputed publications. Applications are also invited from various reputed organizations of the public and private sectors.
The applicants are requested to fill in the questionnaire and send us the filled in questionnaire by email/post.
No participation fee.SCREENING & SHORT-LISTING
Entries received are be collated and screened
A specially constituted cross functional Expert Panel drawn from reputed organizations analyse and evaluate the data provided by the applicants to arrive at two short-listed applications in each category.
Site visits & audits of short-listed applicants are done, to authenticate the submitted information & verify the institutionalization of the initiatives.
The list of short-listed applicants are then uploaded on the website:
The finalists are evaluated by an eminent Jury in an interactive presentation session.
The Jury deliberate and finally decide the winner in each category.
For Rules and Regulations - Click here to download
If your organisation has done commendable work in the area of human capital development, and has consistently used training, Learning & Development as a source of competitive advantage and as a strategy for your business, send in your entry for the BML Munjal Awards for excellence in Learning & Development.
For BML Munjal Awards
Application Form, Click on the below link!!!
For any query, write to us at or or call at +91 96543 73032
The Idea behind the Awards

The BML Munjal Awards for ‘Business Excellence through Learning & Development’ felicitate and salute organisations that stand out for the quality of their human resources. Such companies successfully develop and implement innovative strategies for learning and development; they also use people advancement as a tool for Business Excellence and create competitive advantage and growth through their training initiatives.
Since their inception in 2006, the BML Munjal Awards recognise innovations in skill and development; they also acknowledge organisations that effectively harness employee talent through training and learning to gain competitive advantage. The Awards are especially coveted in today’s corporate landscape because of their credibility and impartiality.

Sr. Vice President – External Relations
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New Delhi-110020